Statutory Information
Financial Information
Click here to go to the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service website
Longcroft School does not have any school employees who have a gross salary over £100k
Performance Tables
To view school performance, characteristics, workforce, finance and Ofsted inspection outcomes, you can find and compare schools and colleges by following the link below. Please note that these are the first published outcomes since 2019 due to the pandemic.
Click here to go to the Key Stage 4 Performance Tables for Longcroft School
Click here to go to the Key Stage 5 Performance Tables for Longcroft School
Below is a summary of Longcroft School and Sixth Form outcomes for 2021-22 for ease of reference. (Sources: DfE 2022 / FFT Data Lab 2022).
The below chart gives an overview of 2021-22 GCSE results.
The below chart gives an overview of 2021-2022 A Level results.
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional school funding for children eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces. It is up to the school to decide how it spends this money to raise achievement and improve outcomes for these students and pupils.
For information about Pupil Premium eligibility criteria please click here
Approach and Strategic Summary
In supporting those students and pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium, we recognise that not all those who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and not all socially disadvantaged pupils will be in receipt of free school meals. Support and intervention will be allocated to those students or student cohorts identified as a priority dependent on need, whether this in terms of supporting their attainment and progress and/or their well-being. Not all students and pupils receiving free school meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium interventions at any one time therefore.
The Pupil Premium Grant will be used to support the school's ´personalised learning´ ethos and to remove barriers to learning, and to promote progress. This will include:
- the provision of student and pupil profiles for all staff so that teaching and learning can be carefully matched to the needs of students and pupils
- the provision of teaching and learning resources matched to the needs of students and pupils
- whole staff training and development focused on meeting the needs of all students and pupils
- intervention in English and Maths, and support for other subject specific intervention
- additional Education Welfare Officer hours to improve attendance for targeted students and pupils
- support with transport to and from school to improve attendance for targeted students and pupils
- specific pastoral and inclusion staff training in supporting the emotional well-being of students and pupils
- purchasing of additional Careers guidance and interviews for targeted students and pupils
- provision of additional extra-curricular enrichment activities for targeted students and pupils
- the allocation of a dedicated pastoral staff member to respond to the needs of students and pupils who have families serving in the Armed Forces
Please see below the Pupil Premium Plan.